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for translating this information into useful exposure data. meter provides, no matter how much light is falling on the subject or what the reflection characteristics are, reads the subject the same as though it were middle or a reflected-exposure meter reading from an 18-percent gray card and expose your film according to the reading, the result should be a picture that matches the tone of the gray card exactly; however, when you take a light meter reading of a white or black object, the light meter still reads the objects as though they were 18-percent gray. where you take the light meter readings, they affect your photograph; for example, when you take the light meter the black as middle gray, and the gray and white cards as white. When you take the reflected-light meter reading from the white card, just the opposite occurs. In gray, and the gray and black cards reproduce as black. black card, the meter raised the black tone to middle gray, and the gray card tone was also raised so it reproduced as white. Thus both the black and gray cards exposure was based on the reading from the white card. The white tone was lowered to middle gray and the gray card tone to black, resulting from underexposure. Only a light meter reading taken from the gray card allows all three cards to be imaged at their true tone. example. Suppose you are going to photograph a ship creates a brightness difference between the highlight areas are equal in size and importance. When you get close to the ship and take a reflected meter reading of the highlight area alone, you expect the finished photograph, like the white card in the above example, to be middle gray. When you stop down the aperture to the recommended exposure of the meter, you are also This results in a loss of detail in the shadow area of the ship, because it is underexposed. The opposite effect occurs when you take a meter reading from the shadow area. In this case, the shadow tones are raised to middle gray and have detail, but the highlights are overexposed and completely "washed out." areas, you could use it to take your light meter reading In this example, assume there is no tone midway between the two extremes. You can still get an accurate light meter reading of the entire ship. Since the highlight and shadow areas are of equal size, the average light meter reading you get will represent a tone that is VARIATIONS of scenes. These methods are as follows: the integrated, or average, method, the brightness range method, the substitution method, and the bracketing method. integrated, or average, method. This method was used and explained in the examples above. This method is approximately equal portions of light and dark areas; however, when a scene is composed of either predominately light or dark areas, the meter reading may not be accurate. photographing a checkerboard with alternating black-and-white squares. When the meter is held at a distance to include the entire board, the reflected light from both the black and the white squares influence the from this position is the integrated sum of both the white and the black squares, as though the checkerboard were one gray tone. The light meter reading from this point should produce an acceptable image. Basic Photography Course ![]() |
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