But, such manipulations have never been easy to
achieve and were very time-consuming. However with
electronic imaging, you can create images and
manipulate images easily, completely, and it is virtually
undetectable. Electronic information, unlike
traditional photography, can be modified radically
without loss of resolution or evidence that the
information has been altered.
Official Navy images must be truthful. Most
electronic images require some type of enhancement or
manipulation, but you must not deceive the viewer
when creating electronic images for official purposes.
Some types of image manipulation are morally
acceptable and others are not. You must have a clear
understanding of what is considered deception.
"Deception" may be described as an intentional act
to mislead someone to a false conclusion. Deception
exists when a person is misled by an outright lie or by
failing to provide a person with the relevant truth.
When manipulation of an image creates a false
depiction of reality or when manipulation of an image
fails to disclose some relevant piece of reality, the
manipulation is deceptive.
To help you determine whether an action on an
electronic workstation is ethical, you should draw a
distinction between image manipulation and image
enhancement. The following two scenarios are
provided to help you arrive at the difference between
image manipulation and image enhancement.
1. An obviously overweight male LCDR comes
into the portrait studio for a full-length photograph.
This photograph is for use for a promotion package. It
is neither acceptable nor ethical for you to manipulate
this person's image by stretching and slimming his body
or superimposing his head on an image of a physically
fit body. Removing a reflection from his glasses is an
acceptable enhancement since it does not change his
overall natural appearance.

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