PH2(AC) Mark Kettenhofen
row of phone poles, or more complex line elements,
such as curves, shapes, tones, and colors. Lines that lead
the eye or direct attention are referred to as leading lines.
A good leading line is one that starts near the bottom
corner of the scene and continues unbroken until it
reaches the point of interest (fig. 5-12). It should end at
this point; otherwise, attention is carried beyond the
primary subject of the photograph. The apparent
direction of lines can often be changed by simply
changing viewpoint or camera angle.
Vertical, diagonal, horizontal, and curved lines
create different moods. Vertical lines communicate a
sense of strength, rigidity, power, and solidarity to the
viewer. On the other hand, horizontal lines represent
peace, tranquillity, and quietness. A generally accepted
practice is to use a vertical format for pictures having
predominantly vertical lines and horizontal format for
pictures having predominantly horizontal lines. Again,
this is a generally accepted practice, NOT a rule.
Diagonal lines represent movement, action, and
speed. A picture with diagonal lines conveys a feeling
of dynamic action even when the subject is static

Basic Photography Course

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