Copying, 8-13
black-and-white continuous tones, 8-11
black-and-white halftones, 8-12
black-and-white line, 8-11
color reproduction, 8-11
colored line, 8-11
colored originals, 8-11
defected originals, 8-12
large originals, 8-15
reflection control, 8-15
Copyright, 8-2 through 8-6
Corrective photography, 6-33
Credit line, 6-14
Cropping prints, 11-12, 11-15
Cut-in shot, 13-20
Cutaway shot, 13-20
Daylight, 1-7, 8-10
artificial, 1-9
conditions, 4-18
Densitometer, 12-10, 12-12
Densitometry, 10-41
Depth of field, 1-25,4-10
Depth of focus, 1-24
Destruction of classified material, 14-4
Developer, 10-1
black and white, types, 10-2
composition, 10-1
Developing agent, 10-1
Development, 10-1
chemical, 10-1
physical, 10-1
variations, effects, 10-32
Diffraction of light, 1-6
Diffusing, 11-19
Diffusion enlarger, 11 - 10
Disks, floppy, 2-8, 4-31
Dispersion of light, 1-6
Distortion control, 11-20
Dodging, 11-17
Dropout, 13-6
Drying, 10-8
film, 10-8
paper, 11-7
Effective aperture, 1-18
Electronic camera, 4-30
Electronic flash, 1-9
Emulsion, 2-1
colorblind, 2-2
infrared, 2-3
latitude, 2-4
orthochromatic, 2-3
panchromatic, 2-3
sensitivity, 2-9
Enlarger, 11-9
additive, 12-4, 12-9
condenser, 1 1 - 10
condenser-diffusion, 11-11
diffusion, 11-10
lenses, 11-11
subtractive, 12-4, 12-8
Exclusion security area, 14-5
Existing lighting, 5-28
Expiration dates, 2-11
Explaining action, 6-13
Exploded-view photography, 6-29
Exposure, 4-17
aperture effects, 4-16
bellows extension, 4-20
equivalent, 4-16
f/16 rule, 4-21