factors affecting, 4-18
latitude, 2-4, 8-14
motion picture, 13-3
shutter-speed effects, 4-16
variations, effects, 10-32
Extreme closeup shot, 13-16
Field, 2-8, 4-31, 13-7
Filing recorded images, 14-10
amateur, 2-7
black and white, 2-1
color reversal, 2-6
color negative, 2-6
construction, 2-5
copying, 8-10
development, 10-1
instant picture, 2-7
ISO, 2-1
motion picture, 13-2
professional, 2-7
roll, 2-7
sheet, 2-8
speed, 2-1, 4-18
Filter factors, 3-9
Filters, 3-1 to 3-12, 13-2
black-and-white photography, 3-2 to 3-4
color compensating, 3-5, 3-11, 8-19
color photography, 3-4 to 3-7
color printing (CP), 3-11, 12-4
contrast, 3-2
contrast printing, 3-10, 11-13
conversion, 3-5
correction, 3-3, 12-4
CP2B, 12-4
designations, 3-1
dichroic, 3-12, 12-4
handling and storage, 3-12
haze, 3-7
light balancing, 3-4
neutral density, 3-7
polarizing, 3-8
safelight, 3-10
skylight, 3-9, 6-38
ultraviolet absorbing, 3-9, 3-11
viewing, 12-8
Five Ws, 6-13
Fixer, 10-5
composition, 10-5
for prints, 11-1
f/16 rule, 4-21
Flash photography, 5-31
automatic, 5-3 1
bounce, 5-32
multiple units, 5-35
multiple exposures, 5-36
nighttime, 5-36
off camera, 5-34
on camera, 5-32
open, 5-36
single, 5-32
synchro-sunlight, 5-35
Floodlights, 6-23, 7-3
Floppy disks, 2-8, 4-31
Fluorescent lighting, 5-29, 8-9
Focal length, 1-13, 1-15, 1-34, 6-3
Focus, 1-22, 4-4
selective, 4-9
Focusing systems, 4-6
autofocus, 4-8